Dr. Valerie Nelson​​
Board Certified Natural Integrative Doctor
Symptoms of Intestinal Gut Bacteria Imbalances
(Primarily yeast and parasites)
If you came into our office and during the iridology exam, you were told that you had radii solarus pattern in your eye (this looks like spokes coming out from the center of your eye), these are some of the possible symptoms that you could be having. These are all signs that we need to work on re-balancing your intestinal flora.
Diarrahea OR Constipation
Gas and Bloating
Inability to Gain weight OR Inability to Lose Weight
Digestive Problems
Food Allergies
Explosive Bowels Shortly After Eating
Abdominal Pain
Mucous in the stools
Leaky gut syndrome
Burning in the Stomach
Bloody Stools
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Low Energy
Excessive Weakness
Dry Skin and Dry Hair
Hair Loss
Itchy nose, anus or skin
Crawling Sensation under the skin
Unexplained Swelling
Mood Swings
Depression and or Anxiety
Unclear Thinking
Slow Reflexes
Gall bladder problems
Teeth Grinding
Bed Wetting
Drooling while sleeping
Sleep problems – multiple awakenings
Weight gain that does not make sense
Long Standing Obesity without excessive over-eating
Loss of Appetite
Hungry Feeling Constantly – Eats more than normal, but still feel hungry
Muscle pain (fibromyalgia)
Joint Pain (arthritis)
Muscle cramping
Numbness of hands and feet
Heart Pain
Navel Pain
Pain across shoulders that radiates down the arm
Fast heartbeat
Hypoglycemia or Hyperglycemia (blood sugar issues)
Impotency or erectile dysfunction
Yeast Infections
Urinary Tract Infections
Cysts and Fibroids
Menstrual Problems
Prostate Problems
Water Retention
Excessive Saliva
Bad Breath
Poor Immune Systems (chronically coming down with something)
Unexplained fever
Respiratory Problems
Dental Problems
Excessive Body Odor