Dr. Valerie Nelson
Board Certified Natural Integrative Doctor
Important Information After Your Appointment
Remember, consistency on your supplement program is very important. Often times, results will come quickly, but it is not always a “quick fix” approach. We are re-building things from the inside out, so patience is a must. In natural health, it usually takes a minimum of 3 months plus 1 extra month for each year that you have had a condition for the body to totally re-balance to the maximum benefit that you are going to receive.
**How to Contact Us Brief questions can be emailed to the Office Assistant at ALWStaff@outlook.com . This is for current clients only. This is for brief questions only. If the questions require pulling your file or Dr. Nelson needing more information to properly answer you, she may request that you set up a phone appointment. Please keep in mind that we have over 1,000 clients so detailed health updates & questions should be done during your follow-up appointments. We check email 6 days per week (1 - 2 times per day). If you would like the office assistant to call you back, she is in the office 2 times per week. If you have some sort of an emergency, do not hesitate to go to the hospital. Dr. Nelson is not able to call people back without a phone appt. Phone appt. pricing is on the website. Please know that this does not mean that we don’t care about you. We have had to put strict guidelines on this, as individuals would constantly call in with questions instead of coming in for their follow ups and this is not effective or possible for Dr. Nelson to personally call everyone back.
** Appointments – you can email ALWStaff@outlook.com . You can also call the office phone number and we will get back to you as soon as we can (724-745-1113). We tend to answer emails a bit quicker. We are open at this location 2 days/week. We are here most Tuesdays, Thursdays & one Saturday/month depending on the need for appointments.
**Orders – if you need supplements throughout the week we have an online store in which we ship orders out every weekday. If you would like an order shipped out to you, please go to our online store & place your order there. If there is an item that you want that is not on the store, please email us & we will help add this to your order. You can also call the office to place an order to ship out. If you prefer to stop in for supplements, you MUST call in first, as we may be tied up in appointments and not able to answer the door. We can place your order on the porch if you call ahead of time or we have VERY CHEAP SHIPPING (AND FREE FOR OVER $99) on our website www.DoctorValProducts.com We ship products out all over the US. Orders placed on the porch should be picked up the same day, if possible. We cannot be responsible if someone would happen to take your order, but we have done this in the past without any issues. Please do not put cash payments in the porch pick up.
**Emotional Support and FunguCleanse Directions – Adults – 10 sprays 3 times per day under the tongue (children – 5 sprays). Hold under the tongue for a few seconds & swallow. Tap the bottle against your palm about 7 times before taking any liquid homeopathic (blue bottles). This process is called succession and it increases the energetic component of the homeopathic medicine. If you have 2 formulas, these are supposed to be alternated (1 formula 1 day & the other formula the next day.) Do not take with mint or caffeine in your mouth – wait at least 20 minutes. If you are on both FunguCleanse and Emotional Support or another homeopathic (blue bottle), they can be taken together. Take the #1’s on one day (can take together) & then switch to the #2’s the next day.
Bio-FeedBack Formulas - these formulas are extremely customized. They are frequencies that we did during your latest biofeedback session. There is only one way to re-mix them. You will need to drop them off at our office with a tiny bit of the formula left in the bottle (or you can mail them to us) – we only need a very small amount left in the bottle. We have a machine that can read the energetic contents of the formula & make a duplicating formulation. We can then mail it out to you or you can stop back in to pick it up. If Dr. Nelson is not in an appointment when you come, she can quickly re-make it for you. If we mail it to you, there is a $6 shipping charge. The cost for the formulas is $25 for two. The urinalysis & food allergy antidotes need dropped off to be remixed as well.
Candida Fungus Fighters or Buggers B Gone – Start with 1 per day & increase by 1 per day to bowel tolerance – up to 6 per day. If you can only progress to 4 per day because of your bowels that is fine, but go to 6 if you do not get diarrhea.
Probiotics and Omegas Probiotics should be taken on empty stomach (you can eat 20 minutes later). If this does not work for your schedule, the 2nd option would be to take them before bed. It is fine to take them with the Triple Magnesium/Triple Calcium. Professional Probiotic does not need refrigeration, but will stay fresher if you do. Everyone really should be on the Healing Omegas (2-3 per day). If it was not put on your plan in the beginning, consider adding it.
Thyroid Supplement Instructions - If you are on a thyroid formula, there is a separate instruction sheet for this.
If Dr. Nelson only put you on 1 capsule, you may not get a separate instruction sheet until your follow up.
Frequency on Footbaths – This is a question that we get quite often. We have some people that come in every week for a footbath Doing them more frequently gives your body an energy break in the detoxification process. For some individuals with more chronic conditions, we may recommend that you come in every week for a while and then go to some sort of maintenance program. We recommend at the VERY least once per month. We respect that your schedule may not permit this & you may not have the monetary resources to do this as well. Do what you can. As a general rule, come in once per week for at least 4 weeks & then to once per month, thereafter. Dr. Nelson will let you know if she wants you to be on a different frequency schedule depending on specific health conditions. We do have monthly membership packages for massage & footbath detoxification sessions.
We have 60 minute footbath sessions for $15 extra – once you go beyond the 30 minutes, we have noticed a pattern of pulling out more fat and cholesterol (which makes a lot of people very happy!)
Therapeutic massage coupled with a detoxification footbath session is an awesome way to rid the body of toxic build-up.
60 Minute Re-Checks - ($75) Dr. Nelson will let you know the frequency that she wants you in for follow ups. For many individuals, she wants to see them once per month for a while (for clients with serious health issues, it may be more frequent than this). No less than 3 months for individuals on a maintenance schedule. If you have not been seen for a while, the re-check prices are more expensive. The re-checks are 60 minutes. Please be prepared with your supplements in a small container (one day’s worth), but DO NOT take your supplements for the day, except for the Thyroid; Stress Calming and/or Up-Lift. Please let Dr. Nelson know the supplements that are in your system when you arrive for your appointment.
Cancellation Policy - 24 hour cancellation policy for re-checks, footbaths and massages. There is a $25 fee for individuals who do not show up for their appointments. 48 hour cancellation is required for new clients.
SAVE $10 - Many of our products have a $10 discount when you buy 3 of the SAME product. These include: Whole Food Energy Greens, Lively Multi, Intestinal Enhancer, Stress Calming, Up-Lift, Healing Omegas, Triple Magnesium, Wellness Booster, Professional Probiotics, Thyroid Products, Candida Fungus Fighters, Thyroid homeopathy, Arnica and Superfood Greens. There is a $5.00 discount on the purchase of all other products that have the Dr.Valerie Nelson label on them.
YouTube and Newsletter - You can go to YouTube and put in Dr. Valerie Nelson and subscribe to our channel and if you are not receiving our newsletters, please be sure to email the office to let us know.
Items that Can Effect Your Bowels - If you are on Triple Magnesium/Triple Calcium and you are moving your bowels too much, decrease by 1. If you are not moving your bowels enough, increase by 1. Other items that can effect your bowels are: Candida Fungus Fighters; Professional Probiotics. Even though you muscle test for a particular amount of these, you may need to adjust any of these items up or down depending on your bowels. It is normal and expected for you to move your bowels more often and for them to be somewhat looser. If you have diarrhea, be sure to decrease some of the above items, particularly the Triple Magnesium/Calcium.
General Dietary Guidelines: 2 servings of raw fruit per day – 5 servings raw/steamed vegetables per day – 4 servings of lean proteins (can be nuts) – 2 servings of whole grains (4 grams of fiber per serving.)
Cell phone and EMF Protectors - These are stickers that are programmed with frequencies that help to block radiation from your cell phones. They are $10 each or a family pack of (10) for $49. These should be placed on any electronics that are near your body. For more information, you can google subjects such as “increase in brain cancer associated with cell phones, etc.” CNN has been reporting on this. You can google YouTube video clips, etc. on the increase of diseases since the over-abundance of electronics in our society. Children are especially vulnerable. Any kind of electronics, especially wireless devices should have one of these stickers. For instance, some of these game consoles are constantly exposing your children to dangerous EMF signals.