Dr. Valerie Nelson
Board Certified Natural Integrative Doctor
Phone Appointments for Current Clients
This service is for current clients only. Very brief questions may be answered via email 6 days per week, but if you have a more detailed question or several questions, we highly recommend that you schedule a phone appointment with Dr. Nelson or move your recheck appointment to an earlier time. A brief question would be identified as something that we are able to answer back with one sentence. If we need more information from you to be able to answer you adequately, we will suggest a phone appointment. Please don't view this as harsh in any way, but with the volume of clients that we have, we need to keep it this way....All appointments do need to be pre-paid. We used to not do this in the past, but we would arrange our schedule & then call people and they would not be there so we have had to implement this policy.
15 Minute Phone Appointment - $25
This is for 1 -2 brief questions - not intended for a full length follow up. If we exceed this time, we will need to go with the $40 charge.
30 Minute Phone Appointment - $40
This would give adequate time for a more detailed follow up.
45 Minute Phone Appointment - $60
Some individuals feel like they need some extra time.