Dr. Valerie Nelson​​
Board Certified Natural Integrative Doctor
Homeopathic Doctors and Naturopathy
What is Naturopathy?
A classical naturopath specializes in wellness. That is to say teaching clients how applying natural lifestyle approaches can act to facilitate the body’s healing and health-building potential. The classical naturopath does not undertake to diagnose or treat disease but recognizes that the majority of sub-health conditions are cumulative effects. The underlying cause of disease is improper diet, unhealthy habits and environmental factors that cause biological imbalances leading to a weakening of the body’s defenses and subsequent breakdown in health. A very high percentage of disease is healed by cleansing the body of toxins and re-building through mineral/vitamin deficiencies. Sometimes herbs are needed to cleanse and re-build the body. Sometimes ionic footbaths are enough for the detoxification process. The practice of classical naturopathy is not considered the practice of medicine and is legal in all 50 states.
The practice of classical naturopathy is recognized as a common occupation at the federal level (U.S. congress 1928, 1929, 1930 and 30 federal court rulings between 1958 and 1978) and in such a profession is protected under the 14 and 9 amendments of the U.S. constitution. Several states have also made the stipulation either by statute or in the courts.
All disease is one and what medical doctors call diseases are only symptoms of a greater underlying problem. Disease is nothing more than a manifestation of our body trying to correct imbalances. Imbalances due to faulty nutritional patterns, improper rest, stress management, and other lifestyle considerations over time result in a weakening of the body. God has designed our bodies with a number of back-up systems to try to make up for our mistakes, so by the time disease appears on the scene it is very late in the game.
Our body tells us early on when there is a problem and we can either respond to this message or try to suppress the symptoms that the body uses to tell us there is a problem. You can take ibuprofen, or other drugs to suppress the symptoms and they will help for a short time. However, unless the underlying problem has been addressed, the body will begin to break down structurally. At this time modern medicine is finally capable of diagnosing that something is really wrong and offer interventions to fix structure, but most of the time medical doctors fail to address the underlying problem.
Naturopathy concentrates on identifying destructive aspects in lifestyles that lead to imbalances. Before symptoms manifest and long before a diagnosis can be rendered, these destructive aspects of our lifestyle can be identified and corrected. Once corrected, the body automatically corrects itself. Diagnosing disease and illness is totally unnecessary to correcting the underlying problems that result in disease and illness. A naturopath does not spend their time concentrating on naming diseases but rather on identifying those underlying factors that if not addressed result in manifestation of disease and illness. These factors can be identified and corrected long before it is even possible to make any diagnosis. Even after a diagnosis is made the same concepts of healing used by classical naturopaths are equally effective because once balance is restored the body automatically heals itself. This process usually takes a minimum of 3 months plus 1 additional month for each year that the imbalance has existed. Patience and consistence is a must. Many times I have found healing is much quicker than this.
Remember healing of the body it is a 2-step process: (1) Cleanse and (2) Re-build wherever you are lacking in vitamins/minerals. God made our bodies awesome! Let’s feed it what it needs – help to get the junk out and watch what can happen – it is amazing!