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Why Take Vitamins?

What’s the Big Deal About Vitamins & Minerals – Why Doesn’t My MD tell me this???

“I eat organic,” you may say. I eat healthy – whole grains, veggies, fruits, etc. Why do I need supplements? Well, if the organic farmers are following all the rules of nutritious growing, that would be one thing, but most aren’t. Sure, organic is better than non-organic because there are not toxic pesticides sprayed on your foods. If the organic farmers are plowing the fields, the vitamin/mineral content is being disrupted and not making it into our food supply. For the proper vitamin/mineral content to be in our food supply, the organic farmers literally need to be slicing the ground (not plowing) and putting the seeds into the ground and replacing the soil as it was found without disrupting the layers that take years of fungi breakdown which enables the soil to have a high, rich vitamin/mineral content. The quality of our foods is simply not what our ancestors were eating. Another practice that is not followed by the farmers of today and was given as a Biblical instruction in Leviticus 25, is to give the soil a rest after 6 years. By not planting on a field the 7 year, this enables the field to regenerate the vitamin/mineral content, which, in turn, goes into our foods. Without this practice, the vitamins and minerals never make it into our food supply and if they add nutrients back into the fields, they typically will only add 3-4 nutrients into the soil, when there should be over 70 naturally occurring nutrients that eventually make it into our food supply.

Medical doctors are not typically trained in the role of vitamins and minerals in our overall health. Classes in nutrition are elective courses for medical doctors. Many individuals consider medical doctors as their source of information regarding vitamins, minerals and herbs. This would be like asking the cashier at McDonald’s advice on how to fix your car! It is just not typically part of their schooling and most people are not aware of that. Some medical doctors do take the initiative to learn about the importance of vitamins and minerals in our health. I personally have a high respect for medical doctors who take the time to do this and instruct their patients on nutrition instead of prescribing, yet another drug. On the other hand, naturopathic doctors’ training is very significant in the role that vitamins and minerals play in overall health and disease prevention. The section below tells you the role that some vitamins and minerals play in keeping us healthy. 

Genetics also play a role in how much of a particular vitamin or mineral an individual may need. Genetic predisposition can actually be seen in the eye examine (iridology) that I do in my office. Individuals that need more B-complex vitamins is very apparent in a distinct pattern known as stress rings, along with amino acids and vitamin F. I have seen this generationally from mother to one daughter to another daughter. These 2 daughters were only 5 and 6 years old. You can read further along in this report to see the deficiencies that B vitamins can cause.

There is a lot of variance in the quality of some vitamins, particularly B vitamins – if you are not on an effective brand, you WILL NOT receive the benefits. I have discovered through the muscle testing that there is a big difference between quality of b-complexes on the market. Most do not test well. The one that we used most frequently is StressLess and it can be found on the online store.

Our bodies have the remarkable ability to go years and years being vitamin/mineral deficient before diseases set in. For instance, prostate cancer has been estimated to take 45 years to fully develop. Other cancers take a decade or more to develop. Most medications strip nutrients out of the body. For instance, cholesterol medications strip the body of CoQ10 and birth control strips the body of vitamin D. These are just a couple examples out of many.

Bloodwork versus Applied Kinesiology or Muscle Testing

When medical doctors want to find out if an individual has adequate amounts of certain vitamins in the body, they will choose to draw the blood for testing. Typical testing is done for folate and B12 levels. New studies have shown this method to be extremely inaccurate. In one study, medical doctors compared the usual blood levels of the vitamins folate, B6 and B12 to the actual levels in the tissues as measured biochemically. What they discovered was pretty shocking.

When they measured the conventional vitamin levels in a group of healthy, elderly individuals, they discovered that 19% of those individuals had deficiencies. Yet, when they used a more accurate biochemical method, they found that 63% of these individuals were significantly deficient in one or more of these crucial vitamins. Another study of sick elderly individuals found that 60% were deficient using the typical blood work methods, but a whopping 83% were shown to be deficient when the biochemical method was used. These studies clearly show that measuring vitamin blood levels by the conventional method can result in a false assurance that everything is fine, when, in reality severe deficiencies may exist. This is especially true for the chronically ill.

Since we know that blood work is done on national averages, to determine how much of a particular vitamin/mineral your body needs, I use a process called applied kinesiology or muscle testing. Your body knows exactly how much of a particular nutrient that it needs and will tell us this during the applied kinesiology examination.

I know, I know, some of you think that applied kinesiology (muscle testing) is just plain weird. I say that before doctors drew blood, that people thought that they were crazy when they started doing that too! Maybe I think that sticking a needle in my arm seems barbaric or even vampire-like! What ever made that "not weird?"

I always encourage individuals to expand their thinking. Applied kinesiology has been used for 50 years now. It is extremely individualized and its all about what your body is specifically indicating that it wants to re-balance and re-build.

Another question that you may ask yourself "if you are not getting your answers with allopathic medicine (what most considered mainstream), then what do you have to lose to try something different, even if it is not what you have considered "norm" up until this point”? Who ever said what "norm" is anyways? I think using God's medicines seems to be about as normal as you can get - not some chemical that has a gazillion side effects!

Take a few minutes to read this report – your health is worth it. Perhaps you will take your supplement program a bit more seriously or know of someone who may need some help. If you do, forward this report on to them.

Vitamin A – Vitamin A is important for the health of the eyes, skin; enhances immunity, important in the formation of bones and teeth; protects against colds/flus and infections of the bladder, lungs and mucous membranes; protects cells against cancer and is necessary for new cell growth.

B Vitamins – I am going to spend a bit more time explaining this one as this could save a lot of marriage and family strife. B vitamins maintain the health of the nerves, skin, eyes, hair, liver as well as healthy muscles. They act as co-enzymes and are helpful in energy production. B vitamins prevent depression, anxiety, alcoholism, along with other addictive behaviors and help us cope with stress. Those suffering with b-complex deficiencies can easily end up with bi-polar syndrome (personality exhibits someone who is in a good mood one minute and can turn on a dime). Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde syndrome, I call it. This is the person that you feel like you are walking on eggshells all of the time being around. If you are living with someone who has a B-complex deficiency, life can be pretty taxing. These individuals can also have phobias (food textures, OCD tendencies, etc.) Again, please don’t just go to the store and pick up an old B complex. Vitamin quality definitely does vary. As part of my schooling, I took a class in orthomolecular medicine. Many of these disorders are a result of individuals being deficient in b vitamins, sometimes along with vitamin F and amino acids as well. Muscle testing an individual can determine which deficiencies are present and how much and which type of vitamins each individual needs. If you are living with someone who “blows their stack” easily or just doesn’t seem to make sense in how they interact with others in their lives, perhaps they need to get tested for deficiencies that are previously mentioned. It makes you wonder how many people could be saved from the counselors’ offices or perhaps a decline in these school shootings and parents hurting their children???? I have personally heard of a number of individuals who were put on anti-depressants and shortly thereafter committed suicide (which, by the way is a side-effect of the anti-depressants or SSRI drugs) – I have had 3 close members in my family in the past 3 years who have died as a result of anti-depressants. I am honestly telling you the truth about this. If you are in my office, I will be happy to share more details on these stories.

Vitamin C - is an antioxidant which is responsible for at least 300 metabolic functions in the body including tissue growth and repair, adrenal gland function and healthy gums. Protects against harmful effects of pollution, can reduce asthma, helps prevent cancer, helps to stabilize cholesterol and lower blood pressure to name a few.        

Vitamin D – acts as a vitamin and a hormone. Vitamin D protects against muscle weakness and regulating heartbeat. It is an important preventative in breast and colon cancer, and arthritis. Enhances immunity and is necessary in thyroid function and normal blood clotting. Proper D levels are important in preventing all types of flu and 75% of all cancers and Parkinsons. Do not take vitamin D2! Vitamin D3 is the natural form.

Vitamin E - Prevents cell damage and formation of free radicals. Aids in utilization of vitamin A. Deficiency may result in damage to red blood cells, infertility, menstrual problems, spontaneous abortion, impaired balance and damage to the retina.

Vitamin F – is important for tissue regeneration in vital organs. Helps to maintain lubrication of all the cells, combines with protein and cholesterol to form living membranes that hold body cells together. Regenerates the skin. Helps to balance hormones, balance cholesterol, prevent depression and bi-polar disorders. Vitamin F is very helpful for those who suffer from attention deficit disorder. Nourishes the brain and heart. Helps to prevent wheat and corn allergies. Vitamin F is the essential fatty acids. Omega 3, 6 and 9’s work synergistically together, although too much of some of the omega 6’s are not good for you. Borage oil is a good source of omega 6 and has shown to reduce cancer in studies and balance hormones.

Vitamin K – helps to prevent internal bleeding, hemorrhage and nose bleeds. Aids in excessive menstrual flow. Helps to prevent celiac disease, diarrhea and colitis.

Vitamin P – (Bioflavonoids) increases capillary strength and prevents capillary hemorrhaging. Helps build resistance to infection. Helps alleviate hypertension, respiratory infections, varicose veins, eczema, psoriasis, cirrhosis of liver, arteriosclerosis, coronary thrombosis (blood clots) and dizziness due to diseases of inner ear.

Calcium - is the body’s most abundant mineral. Essential for proper heart action and normal blood clotting. Calcium maintains a balance between sodium and potassium and magnesium. Calcium helps to alleviate insomnia, it is a natural sedative. It is necessary for healthy bones and teeth. Deficiencies can cause muscle cramps, tingling in arms and legs, fragile bones, brittle nails, joint pain, depression, irritability and Parkinson’s disease. We have seen many people respond favorably when we put them on a triple magnesium/calcium complex. Remember, not all products are the same in quality.

Iodine - Necessary in regulating body’s production of energy in the cells and promotes growth and development. Helps prevent rough and wrinkled skin. Regulates the rate of metabolism, energy production, body weight and development of reproductive organs. It increases the metabolism of calcium. Deficiencies may cause enlargement of the thyroid, loss of hair, dry skin and hair, anemia, fatigue, lethargy, slow pulse, low blood pressure and tendency towards obesity. Deficiency can cause sterility, thyroid cancer, high cholesterol, and heart disease, poor circulation of blood and lymphatic system and lead to excessive build up of estrogen in the body. Iodine is only needed in trace amounts. If you have thyroid issues, it can be a piece of the puzzle. 

Iron - is necessary in formation of red blood cells. Women need 1 ½ times more iron because of menstruation and the blood that is lost each month. It is necessary for formation of myoglobin which is found only in muscle tissue. Myoglobin transports oxygen to muscle cells where it is used for chemical reactions involved in muscle contraction. Deficiencies may include anemia, pale skin, fatigue, shortness of breath, depression, low blood pressure, dizziness, and right-sided headaches. It is needed in only trace amounts and can be toxic in high amounts.

Magnesium – is involved in energy production. Magnesium is effective in reducing cholesterol levels and helpful in prevention of heart attacks. It is useful in treatment of nervousness, neuromuscular problems and depression. Helpful for lowering high blood pressure and helps to calm the hyper-active (ADHD). Deficiencies may include kidney stones, muscle cramps, arteriosclerosis, epileptic seizures, confusion, diabetes, constipation, insomnia, food allergies and premature wrinkles.

Manganese – deficiencies may include diabetes, problems with the left ear (tinnitus), sterility, loss of muscular strength and an allergy to rice.

Phosphorus – deficiencies may include rickets, insanity, loss of memory, left-sided weakened eyesight, loss of hair, cataracts, neuralgia, tooth decay, bleeding gums and lung tuberculosis. Phosphorus levels are destroyed by the excess of white sugar in the diet.

Potassium – regulates heart muscle action. Blood pressure can actually drop 20 points 15 minutes after drinking carrot juice which is high in potassium. Bell’s palsy on the right side can be traced to a potassium deficiency. Left side could be sodium. Potassium is vital in preventing heart attacks and high blood pressure. Diuretics, prednisone and Digitalis deplete the body of potassium, along with other medications.

Sodium – this is not referring to table salt. This is referring to natural sodium which is found primarily in veggies. Sodium is a blood electrolyte. Without it the blood could clot causing left-sided strokes. Sodium and potassium must be in proper ratios for the body to function normally. A lack of natural sodium can lead to diabetes, nausea, muscular weakness, mental apathy and respiratory failure. Six ounces of celery juice can bring blood pressure down by 20 points (include the leaves of the celery when juicing as these contain potassium) within about 15 minutes. A way to visually see a sodium deficiency is to look at someone’s face and if the left corner of the lip is lower than the right, this is an indication of a sodium deficiency.

Sulfur – is known as the beauty mineral because it is concentrated in the skin, hair and nails. Sulfur aids in circulation, normalizes heart action, helps maintain youthful elasticity in the skin and is helpful in skin problems such as eczema. 

Zinc – is an essential mineral found in most tissues of the body. Zinc influences the entire hormonal system, especially the prostate gland. Zinc is essential for growth and normal functioning of the sex organs and is essential in burn and wound healing. Zinc helps to normalize insulin in the blood and is useful in reducing cholesterol. Zinc deficiencies include retarded growth, birth defects, under-developed sex glands, enlarged prostate, impaired sexual function, loss of fertility, lowered resistance to infection, slow healing of wounds, skin diseases, loss of hair, dandruff and loss of interest in learning.

This does not cover all the trace minerals, amino acids, etc. but I think you have a sense of how important it is to stay diligent with your plan or to have a customized plan put together for you. 

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